July 30, 2012

Bronzed Beauty : )

We were meant to be bronzed beauties!!! I love being tan, it makes it all better! : )

Jergens glow: $6.79
It does add just that, Natural glow! It also moisterizes your body, which in my book is a win-win! And if you streak it, it will wash off! Too many horror stories that I've experienced with self tanning! You do not want to try, unless you are really fast with rubbing in! But the Natural glow is awesome! Perfect for me! ; p

Body Shop Honey Bronze Shimmering Dry Oil: $22.00
I love using this on my legs and arms! It gives just the subtle-ness of bronze to your body! So you don't look like you walked right off the set of jersey shore! It's worth the money : ) Oh and it has an incredible & extremely lucious smell to it!!!

Body Shop Brush On Beads: $22.00
Love these, they are a bit less expensive that the guerlain perles & has more intensity bronzer to it! :)

Guerlain Meteorites Perles "Dore": $58.00
My mom, has had these sitting on her antique vanity in a crystal piece with a lid for as long as I can remember! It looks ever so dainty, and I love it! These are great, you get a big fluffy blush brush, swirl it around on the perles, and then dust them on your cheekbones, and it gives you just enough "sun"! I adore this product! 1. because memories are attached to them  2. Because they're just beautiful! & 3. It's a bronzer : )


Bare Minerals Ready Bronzer: $24.00
I love Bare Minerals, because it's natural! It helps your skin, instead of hurting it! Don't get me wrong I like other brands like, Nars, MAC, etc..
And their bronzer are always great! I love looking tan! : )


So this concludes the Beauty week! It's been so fun! And I can't wait to show you my other faves in the fashion world : ) Have a beautiful day! - Ryn

July 29, 2012

Skin Deep...

They say beauty is only skin deep... I think whoever said that was lying! I believe beauty starts with the heart, If your heart is heavy with everything good, then I think it shows through to your skin...

One of the things I that I hear often (and believe me, I'm not complaining!) But I often hear, You have gorgeous skin or you skin is glowing or your complexion is beautiful! I love to hear compliments, as do any other woman out there! Usually happens when I'm in a cosmetics department...

Speaking of Cosmetics Departments, If you haven't noticed this before, be glad, but I have notice that sales people try to bring you down, by saying "would you like a one minute eye lift?" Or " Can I do your makeup? You look a little tired" Or "You're as white as a piece of chalk, Let me sell you a foundation to make you fell better about yourself!" Oh Why thank-you! and I am thinking about 10 nasty things to say to you too! Because that is exactly what every women wants to hear, that something is wrong with their face... HmmYeah, Let's think about that!

I've been there, and I'm thinking the majority has gone through that too!

So here are my beautifying skin treatments:
Philosophy Purity Cleanser: $10-$49.50
Love love love, It works perfectly with my skin! An d I tend to be more on the dry side, but it works!

Philosophy Microdelivery scrub: $8.00-$58.00
It works! It makes your face, baby butt soft! (I know, strange analogy, but oh so true!)

Earth Science Mint Tingle Face Masque: $9.95
Love it! 1. it's turquoise 2. it's minty 3. It makes my skin so soft!

Philosophy Hope in a jar: $15.00-$110.00
Best moisturizer out there! love it!

Clarisonic Mia: $150.00
Adore it! I love the way it makes my skin feel! SO good! If you take part of the head off you can use it for your nose : ) and then you can use the whole brush for your lips, they plump & smooth! Terrific product!

Now Shea Butter: $9.99
It soothes cracked feet, moisturizes hands & body!

Philosophy 3-1 body gel: $16.00
I love this because it comes in sooo many scents, all from oatmeal raisin cookie(currently using) to pink frosted animal cracker(next purchase)! It's great because you can use this as shampoo, body wash & bubble bath! It's great on trips, perfect actually! But I love it when I am at home too! : )

And last but not least a shower scrunchies: $7.50
I use shower scrunchies to wash & scruff off old skin when I shower, It's so handy!

Stay beautiful! - Ryn

July 28, 2012

Phyllis your hair is lookin' very big tonight!

Name that movie line!

Hair can be a whole lot of work before work... Or it can a breeze! I for one, love when my hair is easy to deal with! Right now, I usually shower in the morning, and towel dry my hair then spritz my hair with hairspray, then I bobby pin some hair in place and then I'm good to go! If want a different look, I will straighten it, or I will fluff it with a brush and the smooth it out... I also like to blow dry my hair when
i have time! I also pull it up or put a braid in my hair or a pinned back hair with a pouf! I will also sometimes shower at night, and as a preventive, I will use dry shampoo and fluff it. The most days I've gone without washing my hair, was 3 days! Some hair is tolerable to it better than my hair is, but you'll have to see with you locks!

I love all of the different looks you can do with hair! Pinterest is a great place for hair tutorials!!! It's amazing!
I for one, have medium thick slight body in my hair, and it's slightly oily...

So I use on my pretty little head:

Tresemme dry shampoo: $5.49
Sometimes dry shampoo just helps to give you some oomph, even if your hair is squeaky clean!


Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo: $7.99
Love this shampoo! Argan oil is really good for the body!
Unroasted argan oil is traditionally used as a treatment for skin diseases and as a cosmetic oil for skin and hair:
"In cosmetics, argan oil is advocated as moisturizing oil, against [juvenile acne] and flaking of the skin as well as for [nourishing] the hair. This oil has also medicinal uses against rheumatism and the healing of burns … Externally, argan oil is used … for hair as brilliantine, to fortify and … in the treatment of wrinkled or scaly dry skin".[11].
Argan oil has become increasingly popular for cosmetic use. The number of personal-care products on the US market with argan oil as an ingredient increased from just two in 2007 to over one hundred by 2011. Argan oil is also sold without additives as a natural skincare and hair care product.[12]
The increasing popularity of argan oil has prompted the Moroccan government to plan for increased production: its aim is to triple annual production from approximately 2,500 - 4,000 tonnes by 2020.[13]


Big Sexy Hair Hairspray: $17.50
Absolute favorite hairspray ever! It holds! It's all I care about!


Light mountain natural hair dye: 6.99
I have tried the Red, Auburn & Light Brown hair dyes! I like henna because it doesn't hurt your hair, it actually protects & conditions it! It also fades with time, instead of grow out! yippee! My hair feels softer when I do it! The process is a learning curve, It takes two people at first, and the stench smells somewhat like cow manure and somewhat looks like it too! But it's all worth it! Henna has a reddish tone to it, even if you get the black color, just to warn you! But I encourage you to do it at least once. And if you love it, Do it again! : )


I hope you enjoyed this! - Ryn

July 27, 2012

Oooh you smell wonderful! What are you wearing?


A fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or...
Impart a pleasant smell to.
noun. scent - fragrance - odour - odor - aroma - fragrancy
verb. scent - embalm
I love the verb. It imparts a pleasant smell!
 Nobody likes to walk around smelly! and if they do, they may be a bit strange! There are some really great smelling perfumes out there and then there are some that makes you want to gag! One day I would love to produce a Maude C. or StyledbyRyn Perfume! That's definitely a dream! Can't wait! But until then, I will tell you which ones I love right now!
And if the perfume has a wonderful scent, it usually stays around a long time!  Take Chanel #5 it been here for years and yet it seems timeless, it was created in the year 1919... It's been around for a LONG time, and yet I love the way it has a mysterious beauty about it!
Chanel #5 Perfume: $98.00-$130.00
And then there is Kiehl's musk perfume/cologne, It was created in the 1920's and reintroduced to the public in 1963, they say this perfume is the "love oil", I just know I love this perfume, this is my everyday go-to scent! It has a sultry scent to it that makes me want cozy up & snuggle... I will say, please go try it on the perfume before you buy, Neiman Marcus has a Kiehl's counter for you to test it on your skin, each skin is different, and projects a different smell... I also really like the musk body wash! So good : )
Kiehl's Musk Perfume: $42.50
Another favorite everyday wear is Philosophy's Pure Grace, Absolutely adore it! It's clean, crisp & definitely worth it! I so so so enjoy wearing this goodie! But they have other scent's that will meld with your style, if you don't like pure grace! It's perfect!
Philosophy Pure Grace Perfume: $50.00
And the last one, Love & Toast honey coconut perfume! I found this little goodness of a line at Wholefoods Market and it has everything from lip balm to shampoo & conditioner! It's a gem for sure! : ) This scent has a fruitier smell than what I typically go for, but It's so good! Bonus: It has the cutest packaging...EVER! So stinkin' cute! Plus the name, what more could you want?! and who could resist the bird motifs?!
Love & Toast Honey Coconut Perfume: $25.50
Traditionally, fragrance worn by women had adhered to two basic categories. "Respectable" women favored the pure essence of a single garden flower. Sexually provocative perfumes heavy with animal musk or jasmine were associated with women of the demi-monde, prostitutes or courtesans.[2]
A tip for you: To make your fragrance last on your body, spritz or spray in your hair, The follicles/ hair shafts on your head absorbs the fragrance to make it last throughout the day! And then when cool weather comes, wherever you are, squirt some perfume on a scarf when you where one, it lasts ALL day! It's heavenly : ) Also squirt some in your cleavage and behind your ears... and when you put it on your wrists don't rub it in, You're crushing the notes in the perfume. Try not to do anything at all, or if you have to, pat it into your skin! :)

let me know how you like beauty week : )


July 26, 2012

Rosebud Lips

My lips are probably my most favorite feature on my face, because they in case my smile & they turn into a rosebud when I pucker! They also are the softest things when I scrub them : ) They also wrap around my words! And they have to put up with me licking them, which leads to drying them out : / But there is always good news about ceasing dryness, and here are some things that I use:

EOS Lip balm: $3.29

Love this lip balm!
1.because of the shape of the dome balm & 2. because I love how it makes my lips so smooth & minty fresh!

Smith's Minted Rose Lip Balm: $8.00

If I got a years worth of this stuff I wouldn't complain! I love everything about this stuff! (I currently have it on as I type) I bought this lip balm after I saw it in a few magazines I was reading & I finally caved and bought it & I don't regret it one bit! I love the hint of pink it has, the painted floral metal tin it comes in, the vintage vibe it gives off, the minty-ness in it, the french words it has on the container to describe it & it's made in the USofA! It's 0.8oz of goodness right here! It's the best $8.00 I've spent! Love Love Love!


Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers: $5.00

This product gives off just the right amount of color! I myself love the cherry color & the caramel color : ) It's 100% natural. Bonus, right there, folks! It also has a really great tingle to it because of the peppermint oil they put in it.! I love this lip balm! But be careful not to get carried away with adding too many layers, because yes they are sheer, but they add up! It has a fair amount of color to it! Sheer Pleasure (pun intended :) )

And those of you who love soft lips, Here is a recipe I concocted just for this reason, and it won't dry those pretty lil' rosebuds either! This is especially great when you are about to wear brightly pigmented lipsticks...
Mix together these ingredients in a small sauce pan on low heat:
Granulated Sugar (organic is great, but regular is good too!)
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Peppermint extract
Vanilla extract (you can use other scented extracts too)

Then let cool for two minutes, then pour into a container.
Then rub a dime size onto your lips, and buff! (I use a Clarisonic Mia, but you can just use your hands or a wash cloth in a circular motion) and then wipe clean! You will have a nice layer of oil on your lips, which feels wonderful! It will absorb!


I myself LOVE bright lips, and I think this will be and probably already is, my trademark : ) I just love the look of a natural face and I only use one brand of lipstick to get my colors of lipstick! That brand is MAC of course! I carry pretty much all of my colors with me, and we're talking about 11 to 15 containers of lipstick!!! I just don't know what I'll be in the mood for! ; )
My favorites are:
Nicki Viva glam $14.50

Lady Danger Matte $14.00
And since this pic doesn't do the color justice here's another pic:

Frou $14.00 ( It isn't bright but it's sooo pretty in the fall & winter)

Russian Red $14.00 "The truest of reds that I have tried! it doesn't turn blue-ish!"
Impassioned $14.00
Cut a caper $14.00
Crosswires $14.00 (such a creamy orange)

I encourage you to play in the make-up department or in a MAC store to find your perfect shades for skin tones : ) I know you are going to find some goodies!

Let me know what your favorites are! I love to try new things!


July 25, 2012

Life is better with Mascara : )

Mascara is a cosmetic commonly used to enhance the eyes. It may darken, thicken, lengthen, and/or define the eyelashes. Normally in one of three forms—liquid, cake, or cream—the modern mascara product has various formulas; however, most contain the same basic components of pigments, oils, waxes, and preservatives.

Funny story, A friend of mine, has fair skin & red hair, and her lashes are blonde, well we were working together on a team, and another person asked her if she was wearing white mascara! No she had just forgotten to put mascara on! Hah!

See Mascara helps : )

One of my favorite things about make-up is the mascara! It defines your eyes quite nicely! I love how long my lashes look! It makes the makeup stand out & add perfection to your face! If you want a bold look add a smokey eye, or if you want a natural look(I do this on a daily basis, then I add a pop of color to my lips) , add shimmer nude eyeshadow, thin eyeliner (I like the Ulta brand automatic eyeliner pen) and two coats of mascara! But you can add mascara to your eyelashes on so many different looks! I LOVE mascara!

My favorites so far:

MAC Plush Lash Mascara $15
It has a rose scented smell to it, But It doesn't irritate your eyes, so that's a very good thing!

Benefit They're Real! Mascara $23
Most favorite! Love this stuff, It does make my eyelashes look as if I have falsies on! They're great! :) You can also get a trial size at ulta for about $10 and it lasts along time :) THEY'RE REAL! lengthens, volumizes, lifts, curls & separates. Benefit cosmetics jet black, long-wearing formula won't smudge or dry out! It's true! I'm so not lying! I heart this stuff!

Maybelline Great Lash Lots of Lashes $5.19
I've read that many makeup artists use great lash, because it's tried & true! It's great for layering with other mascaras, plays nicely with others ; ) I layer it with my MAC plush lash all the time! It gives you a nice oomph to your lashes which is ALWAYS nice!

I have found that getting the mascara off your eyes can be tricky! Very tricky! A good hint is to use coconut oil on the hard to get off mascara, by rubbing in circles gently until you have what I call raccoon eyes and then wipe off with a washcloth... The oil breaks down the particles in the mascara, to where you can easily remove it, and the coconut is a great hydrating moisturizer for your skin : ) it's never harsh on your skin, especially on your tender skin around your eyes, which is important that you aren't rough with them, we wouldn't want to cause wrinkles! $8.49

Also when you have a great eyelash curler! The world is your oyster! I love the way it gently curls your lashes to perfection! Tweezerman makes great eyelash curlers.  $12.00


July 24, 2012

Nails : )

I love how your nails make a statement for you & for your outfits! Use this as a guide line for you to your very own at home Manicure and Pedicure, if you are that adventurous! : )
You can use a coral color and then add a streak of white stripe using a nail pen, before you use your top coat! :)


MacBeth Butter London Nail Polish: $14.00
The perfect creamy coral polish! My fave! I finally got this after "eyeing" it for several months before, I decided I "needed" it! So now I have it! and I'm thinking about switching my nail color that I have on now to this... It also looks fab with glitter on all ten, or just one finger. You pick! My favorite glitter is an OPI which is: Gift of Gold, Unfortunately it was discontinued, but Ulta has some amazing nail colors from their nail line! Also, Sephora's nail line has some great colors in their glitter department!



Next we have:
OPI My Private Jet $8.50
Love this color! I think it was my first "dark" nail polish, and I fell in love with it! It's a dark charcoal/black/taupe polish with shimmer in it! Super cute & fun! The shimmers remind me of a hologram of sorts... Super chic!


And the last:
Okay so this is a toss up, I REALLY like Essie Pink Parka $7.50 but then I like Savina color Dream... The Essie color is bright hot pink, that has the same color to it as J.crew's shocking pink color that they use for their clothes! But then I also really like Savina's Dream $3.19 because it also reminds me of J.crew but in a different way, It look great when you are wearing bright coral lips! And it looks great with leopard! but it's an electric orchid color! super cute!! Love both!



And these are just for extras:
OPI Start to Finish Base coat & Top coat $11.00

And Essie Super Duper Top Coat $8.00

And this is how I prepare my nails for the polish:
If I have old polish on, I take it off with acetone nail polish remover from walmart or target with a cotton ball, then I take an orange stick and push back my cuticles,use nippers if need be on cuticles, then I use a rough nail file to shape my nails, then I use a smooth nail file to smooth ridges, Then I use a 4 sided buffer to buff the the top of my nails & then I polish on the base coat, wait a few seconds, then I polish on my nail color, then I wait a few seconds, then brush on a second coat, then to top it off top coat, and leave it to dry! Usually takes 20-40 minutes to dry. Sometimes quicker when I use a speedy dry top coat. A good one to use is Essie Rapid Dry Top Coat. And if or more adventurous choose matte about you for fall! Super quick & super chic! (looks great on taupe & grey nail colors)

And then of course, toes are entirely different! Soak, scruff, push back cuticles, snip cuticles if need be with nippers, clip, file, smooth, buff, top coat, wait, nail color, wait, nail color, top coat, dry!









July 23, 2012

I think a beauty week is in order : )

So this week we will go from nail polish to shampoo to perfume! Top three's from me :) A special guest writer may be in order :) We'll see! - Ryn

July 22, 2012


Hey guys, This is Ryn , I am a stylist & jewelry/accessories designer for the fabulous Maude C! I love to write & I love fashion, so this is a genious idea to write about fashion! I have little favorites and outfits to share! I ope you enjoy reading and seeing the things I put on here!

So I will post a bunch of tips to keep your things renewed or re-purposed. I'm going to be working to get you out of any style ruts, to get your confidence back, the fit just right, and the little extras to get you motivated to be styled! I will also be adding a few of my faves each week, Some suddenlies and surprises, and I know great things are up ahead for us! Come by anytime! Feel free to message/comment me with any question you may have on anything I can help with!

Stay Beautiful!
Enjoy - Ryn

Also if you are in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Hore me to style you! You can message me to get info about it! : )

Also like us on Facebook: StyledByRyn

And visit my Jewelry & accessories line: www.maudec.etsy.com :)


I absolutely adore these!!! So excited to buy them! My friend Hannahbeth actually inspired me to buy them! She has a pair of Ray-ban Wayfarer Sunglasses, And I have been playing around with the idea, And I really like them! I think I can take on the responsibility of  owning an expensive pair of sunglasses! I was always the one were I would buy $7.00-$12.00 pair of sunglasses, because I just wasn't careful enough to dish out $125.00 for a pair of sunglasses! But I will definitely still buy the cheapies! Are you kidding me?? I love my sunglasses collection! : ) Ebay has some ray-bans as well for alot cheaper, so if you can't justify paying that much, always look for them on ebay! As you probably can tell, I love any form of shopping : )


July 20, 2012

Ballet flats... Cece style!

I love these Cece ballet flats from J.crew! They're so comfortable & so luxurious! I love the look of them! I love the poppy color! But they are very useful in black & nude! Also charcoal & a royal blue would be just perfect! J.crew has suede & smooth leather ballet flats! They also have other styles of ballet flats too : ) You could pair these with an outfit, that has skinnies, a sweet sweater and a light jacket or capelet! Or a sweater with an A-line skirt and a messy hair bun! Super cute! : )

Pictures used from: pinterest.com & Jcrew.com