July 27, 2012

Oooh you smell wonderful! What are you wearing?


A fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or...
Impart a pleasant smell to.
noun. scent - fragrance - odour - odor - aroma - fragrancy
verb. scent - embalm
I love the verb. It imparts a pleasant smell!
 Nobody likes to walk around smelly! and if they do, they may be a bit strange! There are some really great smelling perfumes out there and then there are some that makes you want to gag! One day I would love to produce a Maude C. or StyledbyRyn Perfume! That's definitely a dream! Can't wait! But until then, I will tell you which ones I love right now!
And if the perfume has a wonderful scent, it usually stays around a long time!  Take Chanel #5 it been here for years and yet it seems timeless, it was created in the year 1919... It's been around for a LONG time, and yet I love the way it has a mysterious beauty about it!
Chanel #5 Perfume: $98.00-$130.00
And then there is Kiehl's musk perfume/cologne, It was created in the 1920's and reintroduced to the public in 1963, they say this perfume is the "love oil", I just know I love this perfume, this is my everyday go-to scent! It has a sultry scent to it that makes me want cozy up & snuggle... I will say, please go try it on the perfume before you buy, Neiman Marcus has a Kiehl's counter for you to test it on your skin, each skin is different, and projects a different smell... I also really like the musk body wash! So good : )
Kiehl's Musk Perfume: $42.50
Another favorite everyday wear is Philosophy's Pure Grace, Absolutely adore it! It's clean, crisp & definitely worth it! I so so so enjoy wearing this goodie! But they have other scent's that will meld with your style, if you don't like pure grace! It's perfect!
Philosophy Pure Grace Perfume: $50.00
And the last one, Love & Toast honey coconut perfume! I found this little goodness of a line at Wholefoods Market and it has everything from lip balm to shampoo & conditioner! It's a gem for sure! : ) This scent has a fruitier smell than what I typically go for, but It's so good! Bonus: It has the cutest packaging...EVER! So stinkin' cute! Plus the name, what more could you want?! and who could resist the bird motifs?!
Love & Toast Honey Coconut Perfume: $25.50
Traditionally, fragrance worn by women had adhered to two basic categories. "Respectable" women favored the pure essence of a single garden flower. Sexually provocative perfumes heavy with animal musk or jasmine were associated with women of the demi-monde, prostitutes or courtesans.[2]
A tip for you: To make your fragrance last on your body, spritz or spray in your hair, The follicles/ hair shafts on your head absorbs the fragrance to make it last throughout the day! And then when cool weather comes, wherever you are, squirt some perfume on a scarf when you where one, it lasts ALL day! It's heavenly : ) Also squirt some in your cleavage and behind your ears... and when you put it on your wrists don't rub it in, You're crushing the notes in the perfume. Try not to do anything at all, or if you have to, pat it into your skin! :)

let me know how you like beauty week : )


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