October 4, 2012

Well fashioned walls...

So I did a little side project... I saw this idea on pinterest, and I just adored it, so I began to gather some paper shopping bags (still need a Madewell bag though!) & picture frames and grabbed my scissors! Plus this is a green thing, you are recycling the bags by hanging them... Right?

And so I started:

1.I cut the bags, so I just had the front of them.
2. I put the bag front in the picture frame. repeat.
3. I hung all the frames on the wall, with push pins, but you can use nails if you want to!
4. Voila! You're done! Enjoy your accomplishment! Instagram it too!
It's definitely a fun project!

(Side note) some of the bags handles have knots on the back, I had to untie them for them to fit inside the frame... Just warning ya! Also Nordstrom bags, and probably others too, have stiff handles and you'll have to fold it down, to add character to your art! : ) It's only fitting that a clothing stylist & jewelry designer, would do this in her bedroom! : )

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