November 3, 2013

Beauty Find: emu gold

I'm that girl, who when I go into sprouts I go straight to the health & beauty section and sample this lotion. Once I found it, I knew eventually I needed to get it. It reacts well with my skin. And it's silky soft. It's sulfate-free, paraben-free & gluten-free. And added oils such as, avocado oil, olive oil & vitamin E oil. 
The main oil though, is emu oil. Which penetrates the skin faster than any other oil which moisturizes your skin quickly. It's rich in omega fatty acids. And it just leaves the skin with a dewy/soft glow. 

They have unscented, ruby guava & peaches & cream. Amazing product. 

Oh and I purchased mine at sprouts, but I'm  sure you can get it elsewhere.
Even though I bought it, I still sample it every time I'm there! ; ) 
For more info:

And this 4.3oz bottle retails for $7.99. 
But it's money well spent! 

Hope you at least try it! -Ryn

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