November 3, 2013

Thankful Thursdays: self control

I'm thankful for self control. Not just for eating, but for my words and actions too! I've come to realize I don't need to speak sometimes... or type. Especially when I'm mad. It's not good for anybody in a situation like that. I usually regret the words I say after I say them. 

It's funny I'm usually laid back, mellow, sometimes quiet. But if you get me irritated/mad. Ooh hunny! Run! My sisters and I and a few others were playing imagine if, and it was my turn, and it said imagine if Lauryn was mad. Which storm would she be:
Thunder storm 

And I think they picked tornado... Thanks a lot guys. 
I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing, but I sometimes feel like Khloe Kardashian and I could be friends. Ever since her sister Kourtney and disiq dude. I just remember how blunt she was! Not saying that's always a good thing but I always believe to always stand up for what you believe in. 

The really funny thing is that I don't really like confrontation! I its not something I long to do with my time. But when it needs to be done, I do it. And the Holy Spirit usually helps me out there. Hallelujah! 

All this to say I'm so thankful for a little on my heart & mouth. So I don't say something I regret. It's a conscience & the Holy Spirit. It works every time I listen. 

If you liked this, please comment below or contact me through social media sites! 

Thanks & have an amazing week! -Ryn

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