May 17, 2013

DIY Friday: Fatty Coffee

First things first: I hate the name of this coffee, but I'm not really sure what to call it! So if you think of another name for it, comment below please!!! 👇👇👇

So my mom and I were watching a YouTube video from one of her bloggers she follows: Abel James. Well, he did this video on fatty coffee.. And it looked amazing! Yes there is a ton of "good" fat in it, so if you watch your caloric intake, this coffee isn't for you! But if you like coffee and you want something that satiates you in the morning for hours, this coffee is indeed, for you! I've made my own version for myself for about 4 days inconsistently. And each time, I feel full and ready to conquer the world! (I usually eat cottage cheese and banana with it...and sometimes protein.) But its the perfect pick me up! To tell ya the truth, it sounded a little weird to put a pat of butter in my coffee, but I was willing to try it. And It's pretty darn good, I must say! 
 Although, I haven't come up with a solution to travel with it or go to coffee shops and enjoy it there... that's still in the works...


Disclaimer: this only works with Hot coffee! Or a blended coffee drink. Believe me, I made the mistake of putting it in an iced coffee. I don't recommend it... Unless you dig chewy coffee... I just know I don't! Haha!

What you'll need: 
Hot Coffee
1 Tablespoon Coconut oil
1 Tablespoon Butter
Heavy whipping cream
Stevia (or sugar substitute of your choice) 

Do the same thing you usually do with making coffee. Water, coffee grounds & coffee pot, Keurig or French press, etc! (You can use your toddy coffee, you'll just have to heat it up on the stove or in the microwave)

I used this coffee ^^^ from Trader Joe's, but you are more than welcome to use your favorite coffee!

Turn your coffee pot on. (Big step right here!)

Gather you ingredients together:
Cream, butter & coconut oil.

And stevia....

Also grab your mug! 

Coffees READY! 😃

Pour coffee in your cup and get ready to put some odd but great things into your coffee! 

Add Butter.

Next, add coconut oil.

Then add yo cream! (I for one, like my coffee the same tone as Shakira)

And presto! Enjoy the satiated feeling you'll receive when enjoying this fantastic coffee! And all of the healthy benefits too!

Thanks for reading Ya'll, Ryn : )
P.s Let me know it goes, down below!!!

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