September 6, 2013

DIY Friday: printed cuffs

Hey y'all! So today I'm styling a couple and shopping for their new stage wardrobe! Super excited! 

I also have a new DIY for you! Super easy. Super cute for all sorts of outfits! 

What you'll need:
Jacquard paint
Foam brush

1. Grab your jeans.

2. Turn them inside out.

3. Lay them on a flat surface.

4. Stamp your design onto your jeans. I stamped from ankle, 12inches up. 

5. To Overlap design, Lay stencil on your stamped pattern, and add paint to stencil. 

6. Then lay paper towels on each pant leg, and repeat the same process that you did with the front of the leg. 

7. Hang to dry for 24hrs.

8.  Then set your iron to the highest setting, and if you have a steam setting use it. You want to iron the paint to heat set it, so the paint will not fade. 

9. Turn right side out. Then cuff your jeans & explore the possibilities of outfits! 


Ta-da!!!! And then they are complete! Super cute detailing! 

Enjoy and do something fun this week end! -Ryn

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