September 18, 2013

Soul searcher: the skinny

So I've been thinking, I want a divorce from sugar. I know it ain't healthy for me & yet I still eat it and feel awful afterwards! I have found myself in a rhythm of eating it. It has to stop! I'm divorcing sugar! I have to get it out of my life for good. 

I know that if I get it out of my eating plan, it will in turn help me to lose weight.

I'm tired of looking in the mirror and groaning. I know it may take some time to convince myself I don't want it. (Hopefully not!) Because I'm a girl who likes a scoop of ice cream or a donut on occasion. Once in awhile is "ok", but not on a regular basis. I don't want to have a donut around my waist. It's not attractive. And it's harder to style.

 I want to be fit, healthy, strong, beautiful, confident, lean, toned & thin. I would like to buy woven clothes & size medium or large size things in j.crew, Madewell & Anthropologie without garments that pull at the seams. Yeah, I want to totally revamp my eating habits. And have a goal & accomplish it, ya know?!

I also want to get back into the exercise scene. I'm done with not exercising! No more making excuses that I don't have time. If I have time to watch my favorite shows the nights that they're on, then I have enough time to get up and stay active. 

I'm always a confident person with my self esteem & self image, but I need to step up my game in the confidence department! I am totally graced to lose weight, to break the strong hold of sugar over my life. Enough is enough. Time to get crackin'! Lets see the results!

If you're in the same boat or a similar boat...or if you've cut sugar out of your lifestyle, or know any awesome exercises that you love, let me know of any tips in the comment section below, please & thank you! 

Love y'all! -Ryn


Dominique said...

Have you tried Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred? Kicks my rear!

Ryn B. said...

I haven't, but I'm willing to try! Thanks girl!