September 2, 2013

Style Fyle: Work it girl!

Style Fyle: Work it girl!

The ultimate work outfit... And then out to dinner & drinks after work. This outfit has so many elements to it, the hip hugging pencil skirt, the white blazer, the fox silk sleeveless blouse. All the way down to the cocktail ring and brooches. Perfection!

 I'm picturing a confident woman in this get-up. That she will slip the skirt on that morning, then put the blouse on, half tucked of course! Then pop on the blazer, roll the sleeves up to give it a more comfortable vibe. Then add the jewels to the look, and those shoes! Add the three brooches to one of the lapels of the blazer, to add a new element to the mix.

 If she should have long hair, where it in a high pony tail... If not a sleek do, will do! You will be Gorgeous no matter what! Keep the make-up simple and add a bold crimson or berry lip. And you'll sell that look! And for dinner slip the blazer off. And just dine in the skirt and & blouse.

Have confidence in every outfit you wear. People, especially women can smell insecurity & defeat a mile away! Strut your stuff, you got this! And when all else fails, kill 'em with kindness! 

Love y'all! -Ryn

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