October 19, 2013

DIY Friday: orange spice coffee


Ummmm my apologies! This week has been kinda busy and I was going to write a post yesterday, Friday and it totally slipped my mind! 
So a DIY on Saturday is just as good right? 

I don't really like Starbucks, I know it may shock some of you, but I just don't! I don't have a standard coffee drink I order (until now), their coffee is a bit too strong for me and cream doesn't cut it! And I don't particularly like burnt coffee... But that's just my take on it! 
But, when I'm desperate, I have found a new friendly coffee which is: Orange Spice iced coffee with half & half.

Mmm so good! 
But I don't always like paying $4.00 for a grande... It's not something I splurge on regularly. 
Sooo, I decided I would try to duplicate it at home... And I mastered it on the first try! I do have to give credit to my mama, she told me to try this out and figure out a way to make it myself. 

Sorry there are no pictures! 😞

What to gather:  

Ground coffee
Coffee maker
Orange essential oil or extract
Half & half

1. Add the ground coffee to your coffee maker. (I made 6 cups, so I could have left overs for days)

2. Add the cinnamon to your ground coffee and stir around. (I added 2 tablespoons)

3. Then add a few drops the orange essential oil. (I added about 5 drops) (I also added it to the water, but I'm not so sure it's a good idea...)

4. Let it brew.

5. Then add ice to a glass and pour the coffee. Then add half & half to your preference. Then I add stevia, but whatever you prefer.  

If you really want to outdo yourself, you could make homemade whipped cream sweetened with whatever you like, and candied oranges too! Add the candied oranges to your coffee. Then add a dollop of the whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon! Yum!!! 

Hope you do try this at home! Love y'all!!! -Ryn

P.s. You're not going to like what I'm about say but it will be to your benefit! I'm going to hold off on doing DIY Fridays for a few weeks : / it's just super busy right now and I haven't been able to put a whole lot of time, effort & heart towards it. So, I'm taking a few weeks off starting next week and hopefully get some DIYs going again soon! I'll let you know when I'm back in action on here & on Instagram! (Username: @RynB) thanks y'all for understanding! Hope you have a fabulous week! 

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