October 23, 2013

Style find: costumes for little tykes

I'm not one who likes celebrating halloween, but I wasn't raised to! When I was growing up, my parents would treat us with new books & healthy candy. I've only been to 3 Halloween costume parties in my life span, that including church. But each October 31st, my family would turn out all the lights in the house, to make sure kids didn't come to our door, then we would pile in my parents bedroom and turn on a movie. To me,  October 31st is just like any other night. I think those nights were the best! It created family night. Awe those were the days! 
Anyway, as I said, I'm not one to promote Halloween, but I saw these kids costumes from H&M and they are adorable! If you still need one for your child, definitely look on H&M. 

Here are few of my favorites:

The first two are the great gatsby! Oh so cute!

The first two here are adorable! 

And then all of these are cute! 

And the great thing is you can style these for other occasions! It's a win win for sure! 

So there ya are! Have a happy rest of Wednesday! -Ryn

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